vahtkummiga masin koos tsüklopentaaniga

Kõrgsurvevaht masin tsüklopentaaniga 

high-pressure foaming machine is zhangjiagang strength and industrious Machinery Co. Ltd following the international latest high technology and according to word wide the PU industry that independent innovation high technology products .The main parts are import from foreign country, equipment technical and safely performance are reached the word wide advanced capacity. The equipment is widely used automobile industry, insulation industry, air conditioning industry, electric appliance industry and furniture industry and so on. Also, expanding the application field .

EMM kõrgsurve vahustamise põhimõte

Nii polüooli kui ka isotsüanaati hoitakse eraldi kahes paagis ning materjali segamispeasse viimiseks kasutatakse kahte pöörlevat aksiaalset doseerimispumpa, kaks komponenti süstitakse väikesesse segamisruumi kõrge rõhu ja voolukiirusega, kui segamispea käivitati hüdraulilises juhtseadmes ja põrkuvad kokku. üksteisega koheselt läbige liikuv transformatsioon, mis jõudis segamiseni ja voolamine vormikontrollini, pärast väljundaja valamist segamispea kolvivarras ettepoole, kogu materjal lükatakse segamiskambrisse ja segamiskamber puhastatakse kolvivarda abil, ärge jätke järele materjalist. Komponent juhiti kolvivarda kõrvalt tagasi materjalipaaki. Kui see ei süsti pikka aega, madalrõhu ümberarvutuslüliti, kuid kahe juhtkomponendiga madal ümberarvutus.
Seadme täpse arvutuse tõttu on sellel väike kadu ja ei pea puhastama ning see kaitseb hästi keskkonda ja vähendab materjalikulusid. Kõikides valdkondades, mida hakatakse üha laiemalt kasutama.

It is used in all the non-HCFC polyurethane foaming industries such as refrigeration applications---refrigerator, freezer cabine

The HPM-P series high pressure foaming machine with cyclopentane is widely used in all the non-HCFC polyurethane foaming industries such as refrigeration applications---refrigerator, freezer cabinet, waterheater, disinfection cabinet thermal insulation layer and air conditioning sandwich panel, exactly meet your requirement of producing Green-products for worldwide market.

Advantages of the EMM-P machine:

The main parts such as metering pump, high pressure mixing head, high pressure pipe & fittings, Electric system PLC element, gas detectors and monitoring system, etc. Are imported from developed country, technical performance as well as the safety performance is better.

Large safety-coefficient magnetic coupling between the metering pump and motor with absolutely non-leakage, ensure the safety degree and long lifespan of the metering unit.

Peamine tehniline parameeter

* Type: HPM180P, HPM100P, HPM40P,
* Suitable foaming system: Rigid foam, half-rigid foam.
* Suitable material viscosity at 22 degree Centigrade:

Polyol: Max. 2500 mPa. S,
Isocyanate: Max. 1500 mPa. S,

* Mixing ratio range adjustable 3: 1 ~ 1: 3
* Pouring programming time: 0.50~99.99sec
* Water supply required: Processed running water, flow capacity: 300L/min. Brings R1 " the ball valve;

*The compressed air supply required: 0.7 Mpa, flow capacity: 600NL/min. Dry, oil-less, the dew point at 20 degrees below zero centigrade; With the1.0Mpa pressure relief valve and R3/4" the ball valve;

*The nitrogen supply required (if needs): 0.7 Mpa, flow capacity: 600NL/min. With the 1.0Mpa pressure relief valve and R3/4 the ballvalve;
*Power supply required: 3× 380V/50Hz± 10% or as customer's local condition
*Control voltage: AC220V/DC24V;

Plahvatuskindlad meetmed masinal:
Enclosure and gas-exhausting system for theunits of polyol /cyclopentane;
The flammable gas detecting and monitoring system;
Nitrogen gas pressurization for the container;
Ex type of the motors, valves and relevant electric elements;
Leakage monitoring and control;
Nitrogen gas filling for the mixing head pouring area (mold or cabinet space);
A long distance monitoring system is used for the production area.


Pinge: 380 V Muu võimsus kohandatav
Võimsus: 40kw-100kw
Garantii: 12 kuud
Tooraine;: polüool ja isotsüanaat
Põhimõte: Kõrgsurve mõju
Automatiseerimine;: Automaatne
Arvutipõhine;: arvutipõhine
Sertifitseerimine;: Ce, ISO9001:2008
Type;: Hpm180p, Hpm100p, Hpm40p
Kaubamärk: EMM
Origin: china
HS kood: 8477800000